Sunday, November 25, 2007

car debacle

ok so i removed the dealer plate from the front of my car today and now it is bare and weird looking. what to put there now????? i was thinking a silver monogrammed license plate? any thoughts on this? is it tacky? btw i drive a white volvo it must coordinate.


a. said...

In NJ we have plates on front and back, it's the law...BORING!

Kricket said...

I think a silver monogrammed plate would be fabulous!

Fash said...

settle, silver monogram it is

Anonymous said... were so kind to give me a little shout out for my cell phone monogram stickers. I had just put them up a day or two prior! Can't believe you saw them so quickly...send me your monogram and I'll make one for your front tag! Cheers, Electra

Fash said...

electra, your products are great and i'm happy to feature them...when i order my fancy plate it will definitely be from your site! thanks!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I want a monogrammed plate - where do you get one??!!

Fash said...

electras monograms seems to be the spot, she left her web addy above