Thursday, November 29, 2007
personal space
just a bit of a rant about the concept of personal space. i frequently encounter violators of the concept of personal space and am quite sick of it. i most typically encounter such offenders at the gym. for example, i purposely go to the gym at odd hours as to beat the crowds and enjoy my workout, i then deliberately isolate myself on the treadmill/ etc which is the greatest distance away from anyone else, and always someone stations themself right next to me. i am sure some of you are thinking i am way too upset by this or maybe should take it as some sort of compliment, but seriously things like that happen to me all the time. ugh. another peeve of mine is people who stand way too close to you in check-out lines so that you can basically feel them breathing on your back-ewwwww. and the result of all this frustration is thus, i try to purchase everything i humanly can from the internet as to avoid these people. (btw these are the same people who always have their cart in the way at the grocery store, you all know who i mean). ugh.
Banana Republic is running an online promotion of 20% your entire order, just enter "brholiday" in the promos box during checkout. offer runs until 12/24.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
ho ho ho
last night to my absolute amazement i discovered that they had built a williams-sonoma in my "mall"....i was very excited about this discovery because it has been no less than 9 months since i've been to one. amongst all my "ooo'ing" and "ahh'ing" over fondue sets and copper cookware i located this baby, a 12 bottle wine cellar. ooooo now this is the gift for me. with the way things have been going lately i might just keep it next to my bed. you could have one too! $199 @williams- sonoma. santa if you're listening, i'll need something to fill it with, and i'm partial to pinot noir.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Ok so this is my absolute favorite holiday dress yet. simple, classic, and satin from White House/ Black market. I feel that I may be strutting about in this plus some gold shoes (hahaha) come NYE!!!!!
p.s. in re holiday plans, i have one fabulous party to attend december 15th hosted by one fabulous lady!!!!
p.s. in re holiday plans, i have one fabulous party to attend december 15th hosted by one fabulous lady!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007
due to an inspiring comment on my last post, i have decided to devote this post to the concept of "holiday-time." I, admittedly, am quite bad at this concept. However, I plan on improving this year. Starting with advance preparation for the holiday outfit. I did some internet hunting and found the folllowing below, but nothing really "wows" me. any thoughts???? in re dresses, i am a blondie. so red can look a bit hookerish......hahahaahaha
p.s. thanks kricket
p.s. thanks kricket
i have nothing to blog about...
dear internet friends,
sorry, lately i have nothing too much interesting to say. no new buys, finds, etc. lately i've been hunting apartments, so if you live in philly and know of one, please help.
sorry, lately i have nothing too much interesting to say. no new buys, finds, etc. lately i've been hunting apartments, so if you live in philly and know of one, please help.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
car debacle
ok so i removed the dealer plate from the front of my car today and now it is bare and weird looking. what to put there now????? i was thinking a silver monogrammed license plate? any thoughts on this? is it tacky? btw i drive a white volvo it must coordinate.
Friday, November 23, 2007
sticky fun
Thursday, November 22, 2007
instead of "drunk-dialing" i "drunk-shop"
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
high style, low price
once more i have been amazed by a store i have never visited.....designer lela rose has created a line of shoes and handbags for payless which are quite fashion savvy. i particularly enjoy the coordinating pieces featured below. both items are under $40. btw...i doubt these items will be featured in stores (i.e. the roberto H & M incident) thus i reccomend checking out for the best selection. 

prep out your pooch
ISO- one black slip, full coverage (aka non-see thru), the wear-to-work and not wear-to-bed kind. any ideas world????? i cannot find this item.
fancy for your feet
Sunday, November 18, 2007
yet another excuse to say y'all....
monogram on a whole new level
Saturday, November 17, 2007
penguin pants!
today i found these at american eagle (a store i had not visited since high school) and i feel they are amazing. i am now penguin obsessed right down to my underpants! imagine how funny it would be wear these under a business suit? does anyone else see the humor in this? or is it just me????? hahaahahahahaha. can't wait to try it out.

more about the cat....
Ok so the cat has caused further wreckage within my home. i have a loveseat from ikea in storage (aka the basement) which apparently the cat has made his new reclining space-ick. so i need to know, has anyone ever drycleaned an ikea slipcover and if so how did it come out? maybe i should just toss the thing and buy a new one???? trouble is they don't make the color i have anymore....damn cat.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Old Navy is offering $10 off when you spend $50 or more, just use code "TAKE10"...this promo might make it a good time to try out their new lux cashmere line.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
monogram madness!
as i have said before, i like to monogram anything possible, as the concept of personalization in all forms is crucial to me. so why not monogram one's cell phone? has come up with this ingenious idea available for only $8. plus you can pick the color of the monogram AND if you don't like it, it's a sticker, thus no permanent committment. simply amazing. 

25% off holiday at U.O.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
so i've been kinda annoyed with my cat
in spite of everyone's best efforts my cat has developed a "peeing" problem and has since been living in exile in the basement. i have great amounts of anger towards him for the seemingly irreversible damage he has inflicted on our carpet. ugh. perhaps this "catapult" from will help ease all my pent-up cat aggression.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
scottie part deux
Monday, November 12, 2007
Not Into Goth....
i seriously dislike all the dark nail polish that has become "fashionable" these days. it really complicates ones' choices for a manicure, i mean, black, navy, and dark purple are not really color choices for me. i happen to favor pinks, reds, and neutrals on my nails, with the occasional bronze color. what happened to tradition people? when did nails go goth? ewwwww

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Holiday Flair
Saturday, November 10, 2007
To Bee Named....
upon my internet musings today i discovered another wonderful new website, the pics below represent a sampling of its' products. i really love the unique styles and preppy color schemes. also the majority of items are priced between $10-$30. a great site for unique holiday gifts. definitely check it out!

Friday, November 9, 2007
see jane work
amazing find...
the quest for the winter coat has ended
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
elf on a shelf
i found this item on the ida claire site this am, until now i had no idea about the "elf on a shelf" tradition, but i think it's quite an original idea. below is how the site described it.

"Start a new family tradition this Christmas with "The Elf on the Shelf" - this adorable gift set includes a hard-cover children's book with beautiful illustrations and a cute little elf. Here's how it works: The story tells how Santa assigns an elf to a family to report back to him each night about who's been naughty and who's been nice. Each morning, he has "magically" moved to another spot in the house to spy on the children. Kids will love to wake up and find the elf - it's best to place him in a spot that's out of reach, since children are not allow to touch him (which would cause him to lose his magic)- but the are allowed to talk to him!"
Monday, November 5, 2007
tis coat season once more...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
ok world, my apologies for the lack of posting, but really i have found nothing of interest in my internet travels for the past few days. i even set out on foot to find something of value, but alas nothing. there is nothing i like out there. i'm just waiting for someone to make something, so my credit cards can stop burning holes in my pockets.
however i do have a comical story: yesterday i was out with a gf at banana trying to find a matching shirt for a conversative gray pinstripe suit i had previously purchased there. i located one "royal purple" cashmere, short-sleeve, crew neck piece, which i felt matched famously with the suit. (my lady companion agreed) to my extreme distaste, the saleswoman approached, asked me if i needed help, and then proceeded to tell me my lovely sweater choice didn't match the suit. in my mind, i'm thinking, "how dare she!" and then came the best part, she suggested i buy the sweater and attempt to make it coordinate with the suit via purple tights! hysterical. i am now convinced that the banana republic employs total fashion morons. purple tights with a conservative gray pinstripe suit! in an office!
however i do have a comical story: yesterday i was out with a gf at banana trying to find a matching shirt for a conversative gray pinstripe suit i had previously purchased there. i located one "royal purple" cashmere, short-sleeve, crew neck piece, which i felt matched famously with the suit. (my lady companion agreed) to my extreme distaste, the saleswoman approached, asked me if i needed help, and then proceeded to tell me my lovely sweater choice didn't match the suit. in my mind, i'm thinking, "how dare she!" and then came the best part, she suggested i buy the sweater and attempt to make it coordinate with the suit via purple tights! hysterical. i am now convinced that the banana republic employs total fashion morons. purple tights with a conservative gray pinstripe suit! in an office!
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