Tuesday, October 23, 2007

so maybe you had too much weekend???? (and i realize today is tuesday)

everyone's skin looks dull and lifeless now and then, whether it be the result of too much weekend (as i call it) or just a lack of sleep, everyone searches for a solution to look "alive" again. most of us use the conventional methods of repair such as concealer or bronzer/ blush or whatever. some people get inventive and try some variety of facial scrub (which really only winds up creating annoyance in the shower). thus, world i have a solution to the problem of "too much weekend" and it's become's reveal enzyme peel. here's the skinny; all you do is put it on your face and massage it in for 1-2 minutes and then rinse off in the shower. Done! presto, chango! no one knows the wiser and you look alive again. if you don't trust me, become offers a free sampling of its products, just fill in your address etc. @http://www.becomebeauty.com/usa/Sampleform_usa.html trust me, this stuff is like a little bit of miracle in a jar

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